Set in 90’s London, OF THREAD AND ALMONDS unravels the story of love unexpectedly found in the heart of a museum. SULLIVAN is a thoughtful cloakroom attendant, skilled with a needle and thread, whose routine is turned upside down by the appearance of PhD scholar MANDEL. Despite an immediate and potent chemistry between them, neither seems brave enough to make a move... But will Sullivan following his desires mean taking drastic measures?

I have always been interested in exploring love and interpersonal relationships in my narratives but from unusual or unexpected angles. These themes are often strongly interwoven with the central character's identity, as is the case in my coming-of-age animation The Girl & The Horse. I like to play with the audience's perceptions of these connections too, like in my black comedy puppet short Table Manners.
Of Thread and Almonds is my first live action drama. The short deals with the themes of love and human connection in a surprising way. As a writer/director I was excited to make a film that would challenge me. I have ambitions to move into longer form mixed productions. So having worked mostly in the field of animation up until this point, making this film has been a crucial step for me in that process, which I have truly relished.
There was a highly entrepreneurial and open spirit on this ambitious indie film. Executive Producer Luca Paulli, Producer Sonya Sier and I financed the project ourselves (under Luca and Sonya’s own production companies - Sun Bear Films and Fresh Light). Diversity is very important to us, both in front of and behind the camera, and we sought to reflect that in the choices we made. The cast and crew, that collaborated with me throughout the entire production, consisted of a hugely talented team of professionals who loved the story and gave their all to bring my vision to the screen, for which I am truly grateful. I am extremely proud of what we have achieved with this film and hope that audiences will enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.